Hello Everyone!
Let us introduce ourselves. We are Ciarán and Donna O’Neill. A happily married couple and parents to our three beautiful children. We help people with their daily nutritional habits and hope to inspire you to lead a healthier active lifestyle. We are passionate about what we do and simply love helping people to become the greatest possible version of themselves. We are authentic, genuine and practice what we preach. We understand the difficulties normal people face in modern day society and the struggles we all go through and how they distract us from following a daily nutrition program that is both balanced and healthy. What we do is simple; We teach people from around the world about proper nutrition and inspire them to live a healthy and active lifestyle. As a husband and wife team, we aim to connect with our members on a personal level and are literally there for support around the clock. This in many cases leads to unbreakable, family-like bonds. We love what we do. It’s who we are! Let’s start your transformation! Contact us now to get started.

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Having played Gaelic football all my life and I’ve always been reasonably fit and active. Nearing my late 20’s I found my energy and fitness levels beginning to decline fast! I always felt like I could eat whatever I wanted and I would easily burn it off. As I reached my 30’s this was definitely not the case as I started to notice a big increase in my body fat %. Even though I knew this was a problem and it was affecting my performance levels on the pitch I was finding it hard to break the habits of a lifetime.Thankfully I discovered Herbalife and dived right in and replaced the cornflakes for a Healthy Shake for breakfast. This was the main change I made and was certainly the catalyst for improving upon the rest of my daily nutrition. Apart from dropping over 10% body fat I felt a huge increase in my energy, fitness levels and really enjoyed my football well into my 30’s. I’m happy to say at the ripe old age of 37, a busy house & three young children I’m still playing football and loving life! I encourage anyone reading this to start your Herbalife Nutrition Programme today and I guarantee you too will feel the benefits.
All references to weight management relate to the Herbalife Nutrition Weight Management Programme which includes, amongst other things, a balanced diet, regular exercise, an adequate daily fluid intake, nutritional supplementation where required and appropriate rest, individual results will vary.

I was a skeptic at the beginning. When Ciarán initially introduced Herbalife Nutrition products into our house I wasn’t happy. I certainly wasn’t going to take them! Slowly though as time passed and I saw Ciarán’s results I secretly tried them! I just started with the tea and shake and I was pleasantly surprised. I was always slim and didn’t feel like I needed to lose weight if anything I wanted to tone up. In short, I was “Skinny Fat”, which meant my lean muscle mass was quite low. I was a breakfast skipper, smoked and never worked out. Thankfully all that has changed. The biggest change in my life has been Motherhood! We have three beautiful children and I’m proud to say I’m healthier, happier and fitter than I ever was before I had kids. I used Herbalife Nutrition products all through three pregnancies, nursed all the kids and have really embraced the Herbalife Healthy Active Lifestyle Philosophy. I hope my story relates to other busy moms who are looking for some help in looking and feeling better.
All references to weight management relate to the Herbalife Nutrition Weight Management Programme which includes, amongst other things, a balanced diet, regular exercise, an adequate daily fluid intake, nutritional supplementation where required and appropriate rest, individual results will vary.
Herbalife Products
Keeping your body regularly fed with the correct macro and micronutrients and meeting your daily protein requirement will ensure you maintain and even increase your lean muscle mass which results in your metabolism working for you and using calories for energy as opposed to storing them as fat cells. Drinking water throughout the day and eating water-rich fruits and vegetables will ensure you stay well hydrated and help you get AMAZING results. Aim for one liter of water for every five stone of body weight. Try to eat a little a lot, wholesome and nutritious protein-rich foods, avoid serious hunger pangs and try to get good quality sleep.
Breakfast Shake
Perfect way to start your day with a balanced Herbalife Nutrition Shake.
Gym (mid morning)
High protein snack 30 mins after the gym to help maintain and build lean muscle mass.
Lunch / Shake
A healthy well balanced lunch or second nutritious shake.
Snack (mid afternoon)
Protein-rich healthy snack example: boiled/poached eggs, greek yogurt with some fruit and nuts or a Herbalife Nutrition Protein Bar.
Dinner (700 Calories)
Aim for a mix of healthy fats, carbohydrates and protein. Example: grilled chicken breast with steamed broccoli and wholemeal rice.
Check out what some of our awesome team and customers have to say about our team or experience using Herbalife products.
All references to weight management relate to the Herbalife Nutrition Weight Management Programme which includes, amongst other things, a balanced diet, regular exercise, an adequate daily fluid intake, nutritional supplementation where required and appropriate rest, individual results will vary.